Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halfway There

The halfway point has come and we now begin the ever-shortening final half of our time in London. It’s hard to imagine that I have spent over two months in another country as a foreign student. Whereas the first half of my stay was filled with new experiences and new people, the second has been filled with normality and routine. That is not to say that I have grown bored of London. In fact, there are many benefits to becoming accustomed to this country and its culture. Granted the excitement may have subsided but that is expected when you see the same things on a daily basis.

It is still interesting to see the vast differences between England and the U.S. For example, today is Guy Fawkes Day. Although the English population sees this holiday as any other excuse for celebration, I find it odd that a country would celebrate the day a man tried to kill their king and destroy their Parliament. Then again, the joke of the semester has been how backwards is compared to the rest of the world (i.e. driving on the left side of the road).

However, I feel like these “backwards” tendencies in the English culture are what remind me that I am in another country. It’s easy to forget this when the population speaks your language (albeit with an accent), eats similar food, and drives the same vehicles.

I have roughly met my activity goals which I created before coming here. Even so, I know there is so much more to do in such an amazing city and country. I do not doubt for a second that I’ll be severely disappointed when I return to the states yet it was more than worth it to experience living and studying abroad in such an interesting and diverse place.

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