Sunday, November 4, 2012

It's the Final Countdown

Coming back from Fall Break it dawned on us that we only have a little over a month left to our semester abroad. Although it was great to experience other countries and cultures, I realized that there is still so much more of England that I have yet to experience. With such a short time left and so many things left to do, Jess, Allie, and I decided to brainstorm a list of all the things we really want to do before our time in the UK is up. By compiling a list, we can better organize our limited weekends in order to fully utilize our time wisely with the places and activities we want to experience the most.
A couple of months ago, I was frantically trying to plan as many trips to different countries as my funds and class schedule would allow. I have already been to France, Ireland, and Italy and will be travelling to Greece and Portugal this month. With the upcoming trips, I only have about three more weekends in London. Before leaving for England, my goal was to experience as much out of as many countries as I could. After seeing so much of other countries, it is now important to focus on soaking up as much British culture as I can. I do not know when or if I will ever get an opportunity like this again so it is important to me to make the most of it. By making a list of things we would regret not doing, we can now take better advantage of the limited time we have left to experience all we can out of London. Although it was important to me to travel to other countries, it is just as important to see and do all that I can in England. 

One of the items on our to-do list was to see a musical in London. While visiting the quaint market at Covent Gardens, Jess and I decided on a whim to visit the London Theatre Bookings kiosk. We asked without high expectations if they had two seats left for any musical for under £40. To our surprise, they had two seats left for the musical “Rock of Ages” for just under £30. Jess and I bought the tickets and spent the night in Covent Gardens enjoying an interactive, fun, and impressive production of the musical. It was so much fun seeing the performance and singing and dancing along to our favorite 80’s rock songs. Checking this experience off the to-do list, I have realized that it is possible and important to still make the most of my time in England. I am grateful to still have the chance to seek more of what England has to offer and I am glad to be able to experience it with such great people. 

1 comment:

  1. Covent Gardens was so cool when I went there. I saw Chicago with my parents and it was really funny seeing a show deeply rooted in American culture, being performed by British actors and actresses.
