Sunday, October 21, 2012

Portobello Road

Portobello Road

About a week or two ago Professor Spotts brought all of us on a trip to a place in Notting Hill, London called Portobello Road. Portobello Road is a road that has stores and shops up and down the street and on Saturdays the road is partly shut down and vendors take over the streets. There has been a market on this street since around 1870. This is a great location because this street becomes crowded with a great number of people from all different places.

It was a great experience to visit such a place since I never seen anything like Portobello Road before in my life. There are a wide range of products are sold at Portobello Road. Portobello road is commonly known for their antique shops and vendors. This can appeal to an older generations and people. There are also very many vendors that sell all types of fruits and produce and you can find plenty of food stations. I especially took advantage the food while I was there since I think it was better than the food served at school. There are several places where you can find London souvenirs being sold. Other products a customer can find are jewelry, clothes, shoes, and much more. You can find almost anything at Portobello Road. This related very closely to what we were studying in marketing.

I think by visiting Portobello road made me more aware of other cultures. You could tell that there were many different types of people in attendance that had very different backgrounds that you got to see in action. The actual vendors and owners of the shop were from different cultures. When I went up to a vendor, I made an effort to have a conversation with them and it was nice to see how sometimes their product related to their background. For example, at a sausage food station the people working had German background.

Portobello road is a great place to see many different cultures in action. Most of the vendors are very friendly and open to talk. I took advantage of this and therefore I think I can see the differences in cultures more easily. I would recommend any going to London to check out this neat road.


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