Monday, September 19, 2011

My Crazy Adventure

No one could have prepared me for this journey. London, England is one of the most amazing cities i have ever seen. Though, people can only really tell stories or where to visit and try to describe it. Describing is not seeing, but experiencing this foreign country is one of the best things that i have been able to do. When i landed, i knew that i was no longer in the United States. Seeing so many different people all at once is something I've never experienced before. Driving through London and looking out the window, i could really start to see where i will be for the next 3 months. There was so much to see, even just looking at how these houses were built and how they stood was just so different than what i was used to. Even driving was extremely foreign, driving on the left side of the road still baffles me. My friends and i are still shocked when we see a child in the passenger seat, we always say "Oh my, was that little kid driving" but in actuality, they are in the passenger seat whereas we are used to the passenger seat being on the other side of the car. Arriving at our college, it reminded me somewhat of what Hogwarts looks like, especially the weeping willow in front of the beautiful building that will be my home while I'm here. Every day i go into town, i find out something completely new and it makes me feel as if i am a tourist. Just last week, my friends and i made it a task to really explore the area, restaurants that look interesting and just really understand where we are. The food though is surprisingly better than what i thought it would be, experiencing different types of food is so awesome because it really gives me a chance to understand the culture a lot more. Culture, one of the things that is so important to our understanding of England and the rest of Europe, is so interesting and i found out new information every day. My adventure here is crazy because when you start to really open your eyes up to the different cultures and where you are, it is an amazing journey of finding out new information and seeing some of the most interesting and beautiful places in the world.

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