Saturday, September 29, 2012

More Than One Culture

Since coming on the SEA trip I have found that there are things about me that I never knew.  It has been a hard and trying journey to embrace those parts of myself while adjusting to a new environment.  I have traveled before so I didn’t find the idea of study abroad all that daunting.  I found out fast that I was wrong.  Here I am living in a different country and supporting myself while before it was only traveling and visiting.  I have to admit, I am not a fan of that difference.  My personality tends to be reclusive and I like it that way.  I do not like going out partying every night or hopping on the tube and seeing where it takes me.  I would rather sit in a nice sunny spot on the lawn and read a good book.  But there is one thing I have to admit, it is not that hard to make friends even if you panic in crowds.  I have met people from different countries and a lot from the U.S.  It seems that no matter where I go I can find someone not from the UK in less than two minutes.  That is what I like about this experience, going out and meeting people from different cultures and not just the one I am studying in.  I prefer to be that way, finding people not from the country and talking to them.  It helps me relax and enjoy myself since I have had a total of five panic attacks since I got here.  Now it may not seem like it, but I have tried going out with the group a few times and I have gone exploring, but I just do not think city life is for me since there a so many people.  What can I say, I may like experiencing different cultures, but I am pretty sure all this was just too much too fast for me.  Maybe by the end of this trip I will be more comfortable in this city filled with numerous cultures.

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